Over the last few months there have been subtle but important changes to the way VETtrak and the OzSoft APIs work and integrate with our applications. Largely these have come about from input from our customers. A good example of this is the way pricing is now handled by the APIs. The new mechanism allows our application to have special pricing for students, for the unemployed, for returning customers and most importantly for promotional and corporate discounts. Another initiative has been included in the Portal application, which now allows contract numbers to be recorded and searched against in our Portal product.
There are other ideas coming being developed which impact on our product’s ability to support RTOs in their AQTF 2010 requirements.
OzSoft are very customer focused and so are we. To facilitate the development of the product we have decided to launch a “VETtrak Online Wish List”. Our current customers will know that there was a major release of API updates recently and OzSoft envisage this happening each quarter. What is in these releases is to some extent influenced by us all. If you have any good ideas then please let me know and I will publish them on our VETtrak Online Product website. If experience is anything to be measured against, there will be some interesting additions to VETtrak and our products in the coming months. Please email John Wooding and the RTO Wish list or call me on 02 85967600