In the last couple of days I have had a lot of questions and confusion about Apps and so I thought I might answer these questions to everyone since everyone should be asking them – but first the hard sell 🙂
What is a Super App?

A Super App is:
- Well its an App – but not as you know it!
- In the iTunes and Google Play stores
- Your App, Your Logo
- Has NO per user $fees$
- AND works on your PC, Mac or Chromebookin a web browser
We have Apps for Enrolment, for “Student Check-In”, for Websites, an App Campus for Trainers, Training Managers, Admin Staff, Students, Employers, elearning too.
We use your existing VETtrak API
… and, when you are ready, our Campus App is already integrated with our LMS – LLN anyone?
The Question everyone should be asking: “Does my RTO need an App?”

Here are a few key statistics;
- 91% of all people on earth have a mobile phone
- 56% of people own a smart phone
- 50% of mobile phone users, use mobile as their primary Internet source
- 80% of time on mobile is spent inside apps
- 72% of tablet owners purchase online from their tablets each week
- 80% of consumers plan to conduct mobile commerce in the next 12 months
- Mobile Web Adoption is growing 8 times faster than Web Adoption did in the 1990s and early 2000s
The Answer is <Drum roll>:
- Online Enabled Enrolment? Yes yes yes! – ask us about enabling mobile enrolment
- Online Enabled Website? Yes yes yes! – ask us about a mobile website
- Online Campus App? Well yes actually … especially when it’s a website as well!
Try our online enrolment App now:
- From mobile – Click Here! [dummy content!]
- Pretend mobile from your desktop – Click Here! [dummy content!]
John Wooding
VET Enthusiast