Welcome to the September 2021 issue of the VET BI report. Two of life’s essentials (food production and service, and electricity transmission) got a make-over last month, with extensive training package updates.
New RTOs
There were 6 new RTO registrations in September, scattered across the country. This is somewhat down on average, but Aug-Sep is traditionally the annual low-point of VET activity:
NSW (1)
45730 Slam Engineering & Training Pty Ltd (Power Generation)
QLD (1)
45726 Lt Training Enterprises Pty Ltd (Broad Scope)
SA (2)
45729 Resilience Planning Pty Ltd (Agriculture)
45733 Bushwood Training Academy Pty. Ltd. (Agriculture and Forestry)
VIC (1)
45732 Velisha Education Group Pty Ltd Trustee For Velisha Education Group Unit Trust (Agriculture)
WA (1)
45731 Business Station Incorporated (Business)
Type Changes
45662 Gomeroi Education and Training Pty Ltd (Agriculture) changed from a Private Enterprise to a Private RTO.
Tracking regulatory decisions has become more difficult lately with the retention of history on TGA and the interface. This gives us more information but it is less coherent and each case has to be analysed individually to understand the decision and applicable dates, the AAT review process, and the resulting current status. In the interest of fairness, we will endeavour to paint any RTO mentioned in the least negative light we can given the information available. Rather than a definitive list, please treat this content as a selection of news items which may be of interest.
There were a typical number of restrictions and sanctions this month:
Registration Cancelled
22488 Soar Aviation (Melbourne South East, Aviation Operations)
31465 Get Safe Training (QLD Sunshine Coast) – Registration not renewed
General suspension
41528 Pacific Health & Wellness Pty. Ltd. (NSW Central West, Welfare and Technology) – Subject to possible review
Partial suspension
45115 Xpert Solutions Pty Ltd (Sydney Western Suburbs, Broad Scope) – Under review
52022 Illuminate Educate (Perth Southern Suburbs, Logistics)
70252 Australian Health and Management Institute Pty Ltd (Sydney Western Suburbs, Broad Scope)
Requirement to retain records
45549 Innovative Institute of Australia Pty Ltd (Melbourne South East, Business)
Training component changes
Many packages had at least a few significant changes.
Qualification Changes
There was clearly a major review of the Power Transmission and Food Industry packages this month: Power Transmission (330), Food Processing (224), Food and Beverage (219), Business (86), Welfare (60), Community Services (55), Rail (25). Note that the numbers indicate how many units were shuffled around within the qualifications (and how often) and not just the number of unique qualifications impacted. These figures provide an indication of the level of activity.
Skill Sets
The focus of skill sets follows the qualification changes, with Food Industry skill sets the main change: Food and Beverage (17), First Aid (9), Correctional (6), Power Transmission (4)
Accredited Courses
The focus is again on employment-focused courses: Training (35), Business (30), Technology (23), Performing Arts (17), Foundation Skills (15), Language (11), Indigenous (10).
Unit Content
The unit updates reflect the major review of the Power Transmission and Food Industry packages: Food Processing (318), Power Transmission (300), First Aid (39), Food and Beverage (37), Equipment (32), Police (29), Rail (28), Safety (25), Building (22), Civil Construction (18), Demolition (16), Resources (16), Correctional (15), Business (14).
Funding changes
Due to a change in the MySkills web site, we were not getting funding changes through the system. We have now adjusted our monitoring systems and will recommence state funding reports covering next month. In general, the big game in town for the last 6 months has been the national JobTrainer program, as the federal government provides funds to support workers displaced by the COVID restrictions returning to work (in states where they can now do so). based on our figures from May and June, around half of the RTOs in the country have signed up for this program!
You can view the reports below for all details on recent activity and changes.